Wednesday, December 10, 2014

December Daily - December 9th Words & Photos

Today we received our first Christmas card!  Aiden and I walked to pick up the mail and found it in the mailbox.  He was so excited to bring it home and find out who it was from!  We are hanging all of our Christmas cards on our art wall for the holidays - I think it will look so festive mixed with some of Aiden's holiday artwork!  With just one card and one picture hanging up there right now, it looks pretty bare, but once we start to fill it up I will share a picture!

Today's Christmas Movie - Frosty the Snowman (again)

December Daily® is a December mini-album project devised by Ali Edwards with the simple goal of capturing the spirit of December via one story per day. Read more on her website here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

mine is coming soon hahaha I ran out and have to reprint a few, some people should get them by 2015 I am sure ;)



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