Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Fresh Start...


Ringing 2012 with some news, and some new ideas!

I have been SO NOT MOTIVATED to get scrappy the past few months - partially because I just haven't been taking any fun pictures, but mostly because I have been spending most of my free time sleeping!  haha!  My husband and I are expecting our first little bundle in May, and man is this baby sucking the life out of me!!  I have just started to feel 'normal' the past month or so, and am getting excited to start scrapping some of my first baby experiences - ultrasounds, first kicks, etc.  In addition, I decided to try out Project Life this year - I think it will take the pressure off of what I feel is a necessity to scrap EVERYTHING, where in the end I scrap nothing.  I received my package today and will have a 'first impressions' post up tomorrow.  So many new things in my life this year, but so glad to be back in the scrappy and bloggy world!

Now to actually get to work...haha!!

Hope to see you soon!!



1 Theresa said...

Lisa, it's so nice to see you back on line again!! Congratulations on the upcoming baby - how exciting for you. I hope that you are doing well. I can't wait to see your little one and your work.


2 Liz Goldhawk said...

Congratulations Lisa! I'm looking forward to seeing more of your Project Life as you complete it... especially at this exciting time for you and your family!



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