Monday, June 27, 2011

Paper Playtime Digi Monday - Red, and White...(and Blue!!!)

Hello Everyone!!!

This week at Paper Playtime we are featuring Digi designs from some very special sponsors!  Our theme this week is Red and White (for us Canadians), and Red, White, and Blue for our American Participants!!! I am featuring Pink Cat Studio's in my card!  Happy Holiday Weekend everyone!!!


1 Sharon said...

This is just awesome Lisa!!! Love the ribbon with the button and the ticket. This is just an adorable digi, too!!! :)

2 Theresa said...

Hi Lisa, it's so good to see you post something again. This is just darling. Love that mouse on the top of the balloon - so cute!!

School should end for you this week right? I hope you had a great year. I did - I look forward to the next year.

Good to see you again.

3 Tara said...

This card is great! I would love for you to link it up to our Canada Day blog hop. You still have a few days and there are 9 great prizes up for grabs!

4 Heather said...

Love this card. Thanks for joining our Canada Day blog hop. It's been a pleasure working with you on the Paper Playtime design team as well.

5 The Cropping Canuck said...

I love the little Canada ticket!

Thanks for linking this up!



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