Wednesday, September 2, 2009


One of my blogger friends Janis posted a picture of her friends from their prom. I obviously immediatly had to break out my pictures from my own prom, and am sharing this for her!

This is from 2001! I am on the far right in the blue dress. I am still very good friends with many of the girls in this picture. The boy in the background (there are 2, the one on the left), the girl immediately to the left of him, and the girl in the tiara all stood up in our wedding! The girl in the very front with the dark blue dress did a reading at our wedding, and several of the other girls attended! I had such a fantastic group of friends!!

ALSO, the guy that stood up in my wedding, and the girl who is standing on his right (our left) are gettting MARRIED next summer!!! They were just friends in this picture, but several years later they decided to give dating a try...!!! They have known each other since they were babies! It is too cute!

Scroll down for another post from today!

1 comment:

Janis Lewis said...

Definitely a different generation when you compare your pic to mine. LOL Thanks for sharing this! Everyone looks so pretty! And why didn't you get to wear the tiara? That's not fair!!



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