Saturday, January 12, 2013

An Actual LAYOUT! That's NEW!!

OK, the world must have stopped or something because I have actually made a layout.  A real layout.  With pictures, and patterned paper, and even some letter stickers and punches!  It is amazing how great it felt to get scrappy again!  Woooo whooo!!  Thank you Two Peas CHA Challenges for getting me motivated!!

Anywhoo, here is the layout.   This is my first ever (I think?) 6x12 layout.  I really enjoyed working with this size and will definitely have to do these more often.  Almost the whole thing is picture focused, which I really like and rarely do.  I kept everything super simple and really like how everything turned out.  This layout is for Two Peas In A Bucket CHA Challenge #4 - Use Four Words In Your Title.

This layout will go in my Project Life book along with the other pictures from this week.  Hope you enjoy!

Products used include:
Cardstock: Kraft (Bazzil)
Patterned Paper: THANKful Collection (Bella Blvd)
Letter Stickers: THANKful Collection (Bella Blvd), "Carefree" Elements (Authentique)
Other: Circle Tag (Elle's Studio), Washi Tape, Heart Punch (EK Success)

Thanks for visiting!
Please leave a comment.  I love to hear from you!


1 comment:

1 Theresa said...

Hi Lisa,
It's good to see you back on my blog roll again. What a great page. I take it you've had the baby. He's the one your holding? Beautiful layout!! Hope all is well.



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