Saturday, May 7, 2011

Teacher Appreciation Blog Hop

Welcome and thank you for joining us at Jen’s Craft Corner Teacher Appreciation Blog Hop!   You should have arrived here from .  If you just happened to stumble upon this hop, please be sure to go back to Jen’s blog so you don't miss any of the wonderful projects we have to share!
 Being a teacher myself, I definitely love today's theme!  There are so many teachers who work so very hard to help our kidlets get the most from their educational experiences!  It is great to show them a little love now and again!!  I have two quick and simple projects for you today.   Both can be made with kids (or without) and would definitely be appreciated by any teacher!!!  Hope you enjoy!

I used the reverse embossing/inking technique with this bookmark.  Using clear embossing powder I stamped the letter background, and then sponged the blue ink over top.  I love this technique as it always looks different and is impossible to mess up!  I have a great group of kids this year and we share a common interest/love of reading, so this gift is a bit after my own heart!!  

Note Card Set
I love having fun little note cards to send home with students, and thought these turned out really cute!  Super simple to put together as well!  

Thank you so much for joining us for today’s Teacher Appreciation Blog Hop!  Your next stop is!  
Please leave a comment.  I love to hear from you!!
Here is the lineup in case you get lost :)


1 Libby Beach said...

Wow! The embossing on the bookmark looks great! :) And your cards are great too :) Very happy to be hopping with you!
~Libby from beachcreationsforyou :)

2 Bunnyfreak said...

Love the bookmark.

3 AmyJRockstar said...

These are both just great ideas! I have no kids or anything and am not a teacher, but I still can appreciate these lovely projects! Great job!

XO ~ Amy Jo
amyjrockstar at gmail dot com

4 Georgiana said...

Bookmarks are a definite supply you can never have enough of in the class! I like those notecards, but I don't think I would ever want to use them since they are so cute. :)

Carson's Creations

P.S Be sure to enter my giveaway.

5 Trina said...

I have to agree with Georgiana the notecard a are too cute to be used. Love the idea of a bookmark, it will go great with the B&N gift card for my daughter's teachers.

6 Tara said...

I love how you used the white ink on your card. It really stands out wonderfully! Also, I would love to know more about that first technique you described. A tutorial would be excellent ;)

7 Jens Craft Corner said...

I love your bookmark and cards. You did a really nice job! Thank you so much for joining me today!

8 Misty said...

Both projects are super! Love the note cards.
Hummer Hugs,
hummingbird204 at comcast dot net

9 Prettiful Creations said...

I love both of your projects especially the book mark. My kiddos love to read, and can never have enough bookmarks.

10 Kate said...

What great projects! I love the bold colours against the black on the cards.

11 Vivi Martínez said...

I love both projects. In fact I think I will make one of those bookmarks for myself today... I was looking for a little project to make with my little one, and it is perfect.:) Love the note cards set too.

12 The Crazy Crafting Lady said...

These are so cute. I love the embossing.


13 Scrappin Place said...

too cute!

14 Michelle said...

great gifts! I especially love the cards! The stars are perfect!

15 JulieK said...

These are great! Love the bookmarks, and the note cards are fantastic!

16 Sherrie K. said...

Very the bookmarks and the note cards are awesome. Thanks for sharing!
Sherrie K

17 Tiffany said...

Love your projects! I'm definitely going to try the reverse embossing/inking technique sometime. So glad I could be a part of this hop with you :)


18 Lisa said...

Your projects are so cute - I love the reverse embossing on the bookmark and the note cards are fabulous! I'm a new follower :)

19 Tracey said...

Two great the book mark with the embossing!

20 Unknown said...

I love both of them! The note cards are especially nioe:) I am a new follower:)

Anonymous said...

Your card and bookmark are just super cute! It has been fun being a part of the blog hop with you!

22 Sandy S. (CraftyCreations) said...

Love your bookmark and your cards are great too!

Happy crafting!

23 thekolbes said...

Love your little bookworm, so cute and your notecards are amazing. I am a new follower. Thanks so much for sharing
krazykcrafters at msn dot com

24 karensk said...

My daughter is a teacher, she has special needs students and she would love receiving theses cards & book marker from her students. I am a follower, Thanks for sharing,
karenk3 at ameritech dot net

25 My 3 E Scrapbooking said...

I love both the bookmark and the note cards! They're such special gifts! I love that little bookworm on the bookmark!!

26 tandkparker said...

What wonderful projects! Love the stamping technique on the bookmarks :)
TFS - Kim
tandkparker at comcast dot net



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