Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Happy Holidays!!!

Just wanting to send out some Holiday Greetings!!  I am back home visiting family and friends with my husband, and spending some quality time with the newest member of our family!!  Her name is Kala (Kah-la....not Kay-la) :)  and she is ADORABLE!!!!  Hope you have a safe and happy holiday!!  Posts shall return in the New Year!!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!


1 Sharon said...

She is adorable! Have a very Merry Christmas!!! :)

2 Simply Pam said...

Lisa she is so cute!!! Makes me want another puppy. I love puppies!!! :D Merry Christmas!


3 Georgiana said...

Your puppy is precious. Enjoy!

Happy New Year,

4 Mari AKA Momo said...

Super adorable!!!! Love her! XOXO Momo



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