Thursday, January 31, 2013

The History Project

I am taking Kerri Bradford's class 'The History Project' this year, among other scrappy/memory keeping endeavours.  She posted a bit of information about the class and what has been going on so far on her blog today (you can see her post HERE), and I decided to write a comment on the post for people who might be interested in taking the class, but are just not sure yet.  I decided to post that same comment here, just in case any of you have thought about taking her class, or have never even heard of it and might be interested in what we are doing (although if you haven't heard of it, I recommend checking out Kerri's post first).

Fellow Memory Keepers,
If you are at all thinking about taking this class, stop thinking, and just do it! Kerri has found a way to truly inspire me to get my own stories on paper. I have always been a keeper of memories, hoarding memorabilia from various events, trips, etc. However I have never been a fan of the journalling part. At most, I would jot down a few ideas and forget where I even wrote down the information. A few years ago I began scrapbooking, however I know if I go back and look at my many layouts, very few of them will have detailed journalling included on them, because I just don’t enjoy reflecting. I saw the posting for this class originally and thought, sounds fun, but I will never enjoy it. However after seeing the posting a few additional times (I may or may not be a bit of a Bradford Studio’s blog stalker), I got to thinking – I really DO want to record those memories from my childhood – and having prompts would probably be pretty helpful!
I hate that I have already lost grandparents, and never took the time to get their points-of-view on various events. I have already missed out on adding their voice to my memories. I don’t want to have the same thing happen to my children, or my children’s children (I should add that my son is 8 months old so this may sound a bit dramatic…haha).
So I signed up. And somehow, Kerri has made this manageable. She has made this FUN. And she has kept this simple, which is exactly what I need. She has found a way to prompt my thinking, and get my gears going to bring back old memories that I may never have thought to record! I feel no pressure to keep up each week – however I have my journal ready, and an additional pad of paper around to jot down ideas for whatever topic I am currently on so that when I have time to sit down and properly journal, I have my ideas ready to go!
I truly think that if you enjoy memory keeping, you will enjoy this class. And seriously, for the content we have received so far, the price is a complete bargain! I hope you join me on this amazing journal of self-reflection and personal memory keeping!
Have a great day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Did you finish this project? I started this and have a cute journal all set up but didnt finish! I think 2015 will be the year of the UFO



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